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Faith & Recovery

A New Chapter: Books for A New Life

From the early days of Alcoholics Anonymous, devotionals were considered a “must”.  In the biography of Dr. Bob the Co-Founder of AA, there is listed “certain musts” that needs to be followed to stay sober, number 4 states:

4. He must have devotions every morning — a “quiet time” of prayer and some reading from the Bible and other religious literature. Unless this is faithfully followed, there is grave danger of backsliding. (List found in DR. BOB and the Good Oldtimers, pp. 130-31)

Everyone needs daily encouragement from the Lord. “Notes from the Father” by Rev. John Lippard is filled with scripture-based devotions and a prophetic word to help on days when one is feeling weak or discouraged. True healing comes in the “quiet time” of prayer and meditation, that is where a new believer understands who they are in Christ—a beloved child of God.

When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand-new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!”  2 Corinthians 5:17 (TLB)

Give the Gift of Inspiration and Hope for the New Year– Help us reach our goal of giving away 100 Devotionals “Notes From The Father” by supporting our Book Campaign. Your donation matters!

Notes From The Father: For the Recovering Heart

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Faith & Recovery

The Power of God in Overcoming Addiction

For many of us on the recovery road our road has been faith in Jesus Christ. That’s where we turned to when we struggled with addiction. Struggling with addiction and trying to overcome the addiction can feel like it is insurmountable and that there is nowhere to turn for help. This is why seeking assistance from God can be so helpful. God provides an unconditional source of love and understanding when facing addiction—something that can often be hard to find in other sources of help. Additionally, He gives us strength and courage to tackle our struggles.

The Bible also teaches us how to develop a greater trust in God’s plan and guidance which may lead us towards peace and joy despite our difficulties with addiction. Furthermore, we are reminded that God is always present when times are hard, encouraging us through prayer and providing a network of support through His church family.

The power of connecting with God can have a profound impact on recovery from addiction because He offers hope where none appears to exist. Through His guidance, we may also come to understand what has led us towards addictive behaviors in order to make lasting changes for better health and wellbeing. As James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves therefore [to God], resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Ultimately, it is important to remember that the devil can only be resisted by submitting to God. This submission should be reflected in every action we take and every decision we make. To resist the devil, it is imperative that our attitudes and intentions are in line with what God wants. We must be grounded in His Word and regularly pray to Him in order to ensure that our will is aligned with His. We need to rely on the strength of faith that God provides us, trusting in Him and His plan for us.

Additionally, we must be mindful of how the devil may tempt us and be prepared to shut down any thoughts or actions that do not align with the will of God. By surrendering our life to God, trusting in Him, and being aware of the devil’s tactics, we can be victorious in resisting evil and ultimately experience true joy and peace.

Having faith in God that He will guide you through a successful recovery can be an incredibly powerful tool in helping to overcome any obstacles or difficulties along your journey. When you have faith, it gives you hope that things will get better and the strength to strive for success, even when it seems impossible. It also helps you to focus on the positive aspects of life and not dwell on the negative or despair. Having faith also brings with it a sense of peace, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Furthermore, it allows you to draw upon spiritual understanding and wisdom, so that you can make wise decisions about your recovery process. With faith in God, your recovery becomes an act of spiritual growth as well as physical healing, which ultimately leads to greater outcomes for yourself and your loved ones who are supporting you along the way.

God’s love and grace can have a powerful and positive impact on overcoming addiction. Addiction is an illness that can lead to feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and hopelessness; however, with God’s help those feelings can be replaced with peace, faith, and joy. Through prayer and self-reflection, individuals can gain the strength they need to break away from unhealthy behaviors that are rooted in addiction. God’s grace also extends beyond just helping individuals overcome addiction; it also provides them with the courage to face their struggles head on by facing the underlying causes of their addictions and seeking help when needed. By embracing God’s unconditional love and grace, those struggling with addiction can find true healing as they receive comfort from knowing that God will never leave them or forsake them during their journey of recovery.

Accepting God’s Help

Accepting help from God is key in overcoming addiction. When individuals can admit that they are not capable of fighting their addiction alone, they open the door to realizing that external help is available. God provides a source of strength and support that can enable an addicted person to make progress on their journey towards recovery. Acknowledging and relying on this help helps to build faith, trust and hope which are essential to break free from the cycle of addiction. By having faith in God, individuals may be able to find the courage and perseverance necessary to confront their addictions head on. Through prayer and spiritual guidance, an individual may find solace in knowing that there is something greater than themselves working to lift them up out of the pit of their addiction. Having faith also serves as a reminder that while an individual may have made mistakes in the past, redemption is always possible through God’s grace and mercy. When addicted individuals rely on God’s help, they often become part of a larger community of believers who can provide much-needed support during times of struggle and temptation. With a strong sense of fellowship and camaraderie within these communities comes accountability – something that addicts typically In communities of addiction, there is often a strong sense of support and camaraderie. This sense of kinship can be incredibly powerful and uplifting, providing a much-needed source of hope for addicts. Yet with this fellowship comes an implicit expectation of responsibility and accountability; something that addicts are typically unaccustomed to or uncomfortable with. To stay connected with the group and remain accountable, members must demonstrate consistency in both behavior and effort. This creates a sense of stability and safety, allowing participants to maintain focus on their recovery and progress towards sobriety. Ultimately, it is this firm foundation of trust and accountability that can help turn an addict’s life around for the better.

Asking for God’s help and guidance is something we can do at any time and in any place. It is a simple yet powerful way of connecting with the divine, and the process of praying can offer comfort and insight into our lives. To ask for help from God, start by quieting your mind and focusing on your breath. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, paying attention to how each one feels as it flows in and out of your body. Once you are calm and relaxed, bring to mind whatever it is that you need help with or would like guidance on – whether it be a problem, an obstacle or even just an affirmation. Visualize this issue surrounded by light from the divine source, knowing that whatever outcome you need will come to pass. Then, express your request out loud or in silence: thank God for all that has been given to you, explain what it is that you seek assistance with or guidance on, then open yourself up to receive the answer or response that is necessary.

One of the most important elements of having a relationship with God is learning how to be honest and open with Him. This can be difficult as it requires being vulnerable and admitting our shortcomings, but it is essential for growing closer to God. Here are some tips on how to approach this process: 1. Pray often. While praying, take time to really focus on what your heart wants to say, as well as what you need from God during each prayer session. Speak freely and fully express your gratitude and worries with God, making sure to give Him the proper respect due. 2. Be honest about who you are and where you’re at in life, even if you feel ashamed or embarrassed about it. Don’t hold back when talking about your struggles; in fact, be sure to tell even the hard things you may be dealing with or hiding from yourself or other people. It’s alright for God to know that we’re human and have flaws – He knows us better than we can ever imagine! 3. Create a safe space strictly devoted to conversations with God so that you can relax there and open up without any distractions or pressure from outside forces.

Developing a Relationship with God

The development of a strong relationship with God is essential for many reasons. It leads to a greater understanding of the divine and all its mysteries, which impacts our daily lives. By deepening and strengthening our bond with God, we are able to form a deeper sense of connection not just to the spiritual realm, but also to ourselves and those around us. This can be achieved through prayer, meditation, reading scripture, attending religious services, or simply spending time in nature — wherever it is that brings you closer to your creator. Having a strong relationship with God will provide us with the strength and guidance we all need in life’s struggles. For example, when faced with difficult decisions or moral dilemmas, having faith in God helps us find solutions that benefit everyone involved in the situation — rather than focusing on our own interests alone. In addition, having faith in God gives us hope for a better future; it gives us something tangible to cling onto during times of loss and hardship. Recognizing that our ultimate source of strength lies within God can help us find peace amidst chaos and encouragement during trials. Ultimately, developing a strong relationship with God requires consistency and dedication — such as devoting time each day for prayer or developing a strong relationship with God requires dedication and consistency. Devoting time each day for prayer, bible study, and reflection is essential for deepening one’s faith. Reading holy scriptures, attending church services, and participating in religious activities can also help to build a closer connection with the divine. Practicing acts of charity and generosity towards others, as well as cultivating an attitude of gratitude, are additional ways to strengthen the bond between oneself and their faith. By committing to regular spiritual practices, believers can foster a lasting relationship with God and reap the spiritual benefits that come with it.

Prayer is an integral part of a relationship with God. It’s a way to express yourself openly and honestly to the Lord, share your feelings and struggles, make requests, and receive divine guidance. Prayer is also an opportunity to thank God for His many blessings in your life. By engaging in prayer, we nurture our spiritual connection with God. We allow ourselves to be vulnerable in His presence, putting aside pride and ego so that we can humbly offer up our thoughts and emotions. By committing time to prayer each day, we create space for God to speak into our lives and show us the way forward. Prayer helps us build faith in Him by deepening our trust and reliance on the Almighty. We recognize that He has all power, wisdom, knowledge, and authority over all things, which gives us great comfort when facing difficult situations or overwhelming problems. In addition to helping us form a meaningful bond with the Lord, prayer also allows us to know Him more fully as we learn about His character through studying scripture or listening for His still small voice within us. As we take time for prayer regularly, we come to understand more clearly who God is and how much He loves us as His children — something that can give us.

To make time for God in your daily life, it can be helpful to begin by setting aside some dedicated time each day specifically for prayer and reading the Bible. This could be done first thing in the morning or right before bed. In addition, throughout the day look for spiritual opportunities that arise such as taking a few moments of quiet reflection when feeling frustrated or overwhelmed or speaking words of blessing over someone who crosses your path. Taking a midday break to go for a nature walk is also an excellent way to pause the chaos of life and gain perspective from a spiritual angle. Lastly, carving out space to have meaningful conversations with people who have different beliefs and spirituality helps us see things from a divine point of view. By making intentionality part of our daily routine, we can find joy in fostering our relationship with God each day.

Living According to God’s Will

It is important to live according to God’s will, as it honors and respects the almighty power of God. In doing so, we acknowledge that His will should be our highest priority in life and all decisions we make should reflect that understanding. Living according to God’s will also help us grow in faith, as it enables us to place all of our trust in Him and accept the plans He has for our lives without questioning them. Furthermore, living according to God’s will allows us to follow a righteous path that not only brings joy and peace to those around us but also brings glory and honor to our Creator through our actions. It is often difficult to discern God’s will, but when we strive to stay obedient in following His direction, we can experience a life filled with purpose, abundance, and blessings.

Aligning one’s life with God’s teachings can be a difficult but rewarding journey. It requires dedication and a deep commitment to living according to the principles outlined in scripture. To begin, it is important to establish a daily practice of prayer and Bible study. This will help create an awareness of how God wants us to live our lives daily. Additionally, it is important to take time for reflection and introspection to remain true to oneself and understand one’s purpose in life. It is also beneficial to join with like-minded people in Christian community to share experiences and learn from one another. Additionally, developing the habit of engaging with Scripture on a regular basis allows for growth and reinforces knowledge of God’s word. Finally, know that even if there are times when life gets busy or circumstances make it hard to remain committed, there is always hope that adherence to Christian principles will eventually become second nature.

Building strength and resilience through faith involves forming a deeper connection with the divine. This can be done by engaging in spiritual practices such as prayer or meditation. Through these activities, one can learn to cultivate a sense of peace and contentment as well as develop an understanding of their values and life purpose. Additionally, studying religious texts, attending worship services and engaging in charity work or service can help to fortify faith and bring greater meaning to life. Regular prayer is also a way to foster emotional healing by allowing for quiet reflection and contemplation. To truly gain strength from faith, it is essential to build relationships within the community and stay mindful of your spiritual journey. This requires commitment, dedication, and continual practice so that you can experience clarity during times of challenge or adversity.

It’s the Power and Faith

The power of faith and trust in God is truly remarkable and can be an essential factor in overcoming addiction. When we turn to God for His help, He promises to never abandon us. He will lift us up, give us strength, and provide the guidance we need to find our way out of addiction. Our faith gives us hope that our lives can be transformed if we are willing to take the necessary steps towards healing and sobriety. We need not go through this alone – with faith, God will always be there to walk with us every step of the way. As St. Augustine once said: “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” No matter how dark and scary our journey may be, with faith and trust in God, we can have confidence that all things are possible no matter how impossible they may seem at first.

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Faith & Recovery

Find Faith in Recovery: Unlocking the Power of Mindfulness in Christianity

Mindfulness and Christianity intersect in a powerful way in the realm of addiction recovery, offering individuals a holistic approach to healing that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. In today’s fast-paced and chaotic world, many individuals struggle with addiction issues that can feel overwhelming and isolating. This article explores how the practices of mindfulness and the teachings of Christianity can work hand in hand to provide a path towards recovery and renewal.

Throughout this exploration, readers can expect to gain insights into how mindfulness practices can complement Christian principles in fostering inner peace, self-awareness, and resilience. By delving into the fusion of these two philosophies, we promise a journey of hope, inspiration, and practical guidance for those seeking to navigate the complexities of addiction recovery with faith as their compass.

Understanding Mindfulness and Christianity

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, acknowledging thoughts and feelings without judgment. It involves cultivating awareness and acceptance of one’s inner experience. On the other hand, Christianity emphasizes faith, love, forgiveness, and compassion. Integrating mindfulness with Christian principles can provide a holistic approach to healing.

By understanding mindfulness as a tool for self-awareness and Christian teachings as a source of spiritual guidance, individuals in addiction recovery can tap into a powerful combination that nurtures the mind, body, and soul. Embracing both practices allows for deeper introspection, fostering a sense of inner peace and connection to something greater than oneself.

The Power of Mindfulness in Addiction Recovery

Mindfulness, the practice of being fully present and aware in the moment, holds tremendous power in the journey of addiction recovery. By cultivating mindfulness, individuals struggling with addiction can develop a heightened awareness of their thoughts, emotions, and triggers. This self-awareness serves as a powerful tool in breaking free from destructive patterns and behaviors.

Through mindfulness practices such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, individuals in recovery can learn to observe their cravings without judgment or attachment. This allows them to respond to triggers with greater clarity and intention, rather than reacting impulsively. Mindfulness also helps cultivate inner peace and resilience, empowering individuals to navigate the challenges of recovery with grace and strength.

Embracing Christian Principles for Healing

As individuals navigate the challenging journey of addiction recovery, embracing Christian principles can provide a profound sense of hope and healing. The foundational beliefs of forgiveness, grace, and redemption that Christianity offers serve as guiding lights in the darkness of addiction. By surrendering to these principles, individuals can find solace in the unconditional love and acceptance that Christ embodies.

Embracing Christian Principles for Healing

Through the lens of Christian teachings, those in recovery can view their struggles not as insurmountable obstacles but as opportunities for spiritual growth and transformation. The notion of surrendering to a higher power allows individuals to release their burdens and find strength in knowing they are never alone on this path towards healing. Embracing Christian principles for healing means inviting divine grace into every moment of the recovery journey.

Integrating Mindfulness and Christianity in Your Recovery Journey

Embarking on a journey of recovery from addiction can be daunting, but by integrating mindfulness and Christian principles, you can find a path to healing that is both empowering and transformative. Mindfulness allows you to cultivate a non-judgmental awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, while Christian teachings provide a spiritual foundation for inner strength and resilience.

When you combine the practice of mindfulness with the teachings of Christianity in your recovery journey, you create a powerful synergy that helps you navigate the challenges ahead with grace and faith. By staying present in each moment with mindfulness and drawing on the wisdom of Christian scriptures, you can find solace, guidance, and hope as you move towards a life of sobriety and wholeness.

Finding Strength in Faith and Presence

In the journey of addiction recovery, finding strength through faith and God’s presence can be a guiding light through the darkest of times. Faith provides a sense of purpose and hope, anchoring you in moments of doubt. By staying present in each moment, you cultivate resilience to face challenges with grace and determination.

Embracing your faith and being fully present allows you to tap into a source of inner strength that transcends circumstances. It is within this deep connection to your beliefs and the present moment that you discover the courage to confront obstacles on your path to healing. Through faith and presence, you not only find solace but also empower yourself to navigate the complexities of addiction recovery with unwavering resolve.

Overcoming Challenges with Mindful Awareness and Faith

In the journey of addiction recovery, challenges are inevitable. By incorporating mindful awareness and faith, you can navigate these obstacles with grace and resilience. Through mindfulness, you can observe difficult emotions without judgment, allowing them to pass like clouds in the sky. This practice enables you to respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively.

Intertwining mindfulness with your Christian faith provides a profound anchor during turbulent times. Drawing strength from your spiritual beliefs, you can find solace in knowing that a higher power is guiding you through adversity. Embracing the synergy of mindful awareness and faith empowers you to conquer challenges with a sense of calm assurance, paving the way for transformative growth.

Cultivating Gratitude and Hope in Recovery

In the journey of addiction recovery, cultivating a mindset of gratitude and hope can be transformative. Gratitude allows us to appreciate the blessings in our lives, no matter how small, fostering a sense of abundance and fulfillment. Similarly, nurturing hope provides a beacon of light in times of darkness, guiding us towards a future filled with possibility and joy.

Practicing mindfulness can aid in cultivating gratitude by encouraging us to focus on the present moment and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. Recognizing even the smallest victories and moments of brightness can help shift our perspective towards positivity. Embracing hope means believing in the potential for growth and renewal, trusting that each step we take towards recovery brings us closer to a brighter tomorrow.

Strengthening Your Spiritual Connection through Mindfulness

In the journey of addiction recovery, mindfulness serves as a bridge. By practicing mindful awareness, you create a bridge to listen to the whispers of your soul and deepen your connection to God. As you engage in mindful meditation and reflection, you open yourself up to God’s divine guidance and wisdom. This alignment with your spirituality not only enhances your recovery journey but also brings a sense of peace, purpose, and serenity into your life.

Embracing Transformation and Renewal

As we journey through addiction recovery, embracing transformation and renewal is crucial. In the intersection of mindfulness and Christianity, we find a powerful catalyst for change. Allow yourself to release old patterns, surrender to divine guidance, and step into the light of renewal.

Transformation is not a one-time event but a continuous process of growth and evolution. Through mindfulness practices rooted in Christian principles, you can experience a profound shift in your being. Embrace this journey with faith, knowing that each moment holds the potential for renewal and transformation.


As we conclude our exploration of the profound intersection between mindfulness and Christianity in addiction recovery, it is evident that the amalgamation of these two powerful forces can bring about remarkable healing and transformation. By embracing the principles of mindfulness alongside the spiritual foundations of Christianity, individuals embarking on the journey of recovery can find solace, strength, and renewal.

In this harmonious union, one discovers not only the resilience to overcome challenges but also a deep reservoir of hope and gratitude that sustains through the darkest moments. Through mindful awareness and faith, individuals can cultivate a sense of purpose and connection that transcends mere sobriety – it becomes a pathway to a life filled with meaning and fulfillment.

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Faith & Recovery

The Power of God in Overcoming Addiction

The Power of God

The path to recovery for many is often founded on faith in Jesus Christ. Romans 5:8 says “But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah) died for us.”  Addiction is an illness that can lead to feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and hopelessness; however, with God’s help those feelings can be replaced with peace, faith, and joy. When addiction takes over and we feel powerless, God provides us with a comforting, compassionate connection that can be hard to find elsewhere. He offers us the strength and courage we need to face our struggles – allowing us to discover hope, even in the most challenging of times.

The Bible offers insight into how to nurture stronger faith in Him. By believing that God’s design and instruction, is leading us to a sense of support and happiness despite the challenges of addiction. Moreover, God is ever-present when things seem bleak, guiding us through prayer, and God’s love and grace can have a powerful and positive impact on overcoming addiction.

John 3:16

Through prayer and self-reflection, individuals can gain the strength they need to break away from unhealthy behaviors that are rooted in addiction. God’s grace also extends beyond just helping individuals overcome addiction; it also provides them with the courage to face their struggles head on by facing the underlying causes of their addictions and seeking help when needed.

The ABCD’s of Recovery with God

Asking and Accepting God’s Help

Asking and accepting help from a higher power (Jesus Christ) is key in overcoming addiction, Romans 5:6 “While we were still helpless [powerless to provide for our salvation], at the right time Christ died [as a substitute] for us.”  When individuals can admit that they are not capable of fighting their addiction alone, they open the door to realizing that external help is available. Jesus provides a source of strength and support that can enable an addicted person to make progress on their journey towards recovery.

Asking and Accepting God’s Help

Asking for His help and guidance is something we can do at any time and in any place. Acknowledging and relying on this help from God helps to build faith, trust and hope which are essential in order to break free from the cycle of addiction. By having faith in God, individuals may be able to find the courage and perseverance necessary to confront their addictions.

Believing in God

Believing in God and trusting that He will guide you through a successful recovery can be a powerful help. Believing in Him gives you hope, strength, and positivity, which can make all the difference. Faith also brings you peace, so you can worry less and be calmer. You also gain spiritual wisdom and understanding, to help you make wise choices on your recovery journey. Your belief and faith in God can also bring spiritual growth along with physical healing, which can lead to better results for you and those around you.


Connecting with God

The power of connecting with God can have a profound impact on recovery from addiction because He offers hope where none appears to exist. How do you connect with God? Prayer and meditation is how you can begin connecting with Him, prayer is talking with God and meditation is listening to God.

Through connecting with Him you begin to see His guidance in your life and you may also come to understand what has led you towards addictive behaviors and then see how to make lasting changes for better health and wellbeing.


James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves therefore [to God], resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” It is important to remember that the devil can only be resisted by submitting to God. This submission should be reflected in every action we take and every decision we make. To resist the devil, it is necessary that our attitudes and intentions are in line with what God wants. You must pray and meditate on a regular bases in order to ensure that our will is aligned with His. And be grounded in His Word in order to rely on the strength of faith that God provides us, trusting in Him and His plan for us.


Developing a Relationship with God

This phrase is so true “it’s not about Religion, it’s about Relationship.”  The development of a strong relationship with God is important for many reasons. It leads to a greater understanding of Him and all His mysteries, which impacts our daily lives. By deepening and strengthening our bond with God, we can form a deeper sense of purpose and direction.

Having a strong relationship with God will provide you with the strength and guidance we all need in life’s struggles. For example, when faced with difficult decisions or moral dilemmas, having faith in God helps us find solutions that benefit everyone involved in the situation — rather than focusing on our own interests alone. In addition, having faith in God gives us hope for a better future; it gives us something tangible to cling onto during times of loss and hardship. Recognizing that our ultimate source of strength lies within God can help us find peace amidst chaos and encouragement during trials.

He is our Heavenly Father

Developing a strong relationship with God requires dedication and consistency. Devoting time each day for prayer, bible study, and reflection is essential for deepening one’s faith. By committing to regular time devoted to building a relationship with God, believers can foster a lasting relationship with God. And then in those times when you are struggling with addiction you can lean on the support of God, you will gain a deeper appreciation for how God is able to assist you in overcoming addiction.

By His Power

The power of faith, trust and relationship with God is truly remarkable and can be the number one factor in overcoming addiction. When we turn to God for His help, He promises to never abandon us. He will lift us up, give us strength, and provide the guidance we need to find our way out of addiction. Our faith gives us hope that our lives can be transformed if we are willing to take the necessary steps towards healing and sobriety. We need not go through this alone – with faith, God will always be there to walk with us every step of the way. As St. Augustine once said: “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.”  No matter how dark and scary our journey may be, with faith and trust in God, we can have confidence that all things are possible no matter how impossible they may seem at first. Having a relationship with God you can utilize His power and let it guide you along your journey of recovery.

Revelation 12:11a “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”

Break Free

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Are you in faith-based addiction recovery and looking for a way to stay encouraged and inspired? Then look no further than the 365 Day Devotional “Notes from the Father”, by Pastor John. This devotional will bring you strength, hope, and courage each day of your journey.

This book is filled with scripture-based devotions to help you on days when you may be feeling weak or discouraged in your walk. Experience true healing as you come to understand who you are in Christ—a beloved child of God. With daily meditations and affirmations, you’ll gain new perspectives and feel refreshed on the path to successful addiction recovery.

Don’t struggle alone. Invest in this 365 Day Devotional today and experience all the benefits it will bring to your faith-based addiction recovery journey.

Notes from the Father

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